Website design

Website design
Thanks to the website design team for translating our requirements into a mobile friendly, responsive Website.

Site design is carried out by myself, Ian, & Basil the Rat. Basil is the small brown furry creature on top of the monitor in the picture belowto the right.

All the pages on this site are hand coded in HTML and javascript, and the site has been designed using CSS and Server Side Includes to make life easier for Basil & me. The proud boast of this site is that 'No authoring tools have been used'. Page coding is done long hand, using only a text editor.

I've deliberately avoided using authoring programs, as I wanted to try to maintain my programming skills. Also, Basil complained about the complexity of using Frontpage, Dreamweaver etc., on the basis that it's difficult to remember how to use complicated software when you're only a small stuffed toy. He also didn't like the continuous references to "using" a mouse.

And when I "didn't know how to", I looked at helpful sources on the web where I found out how to implement some of the nicer touches on the site's pages.

The Web design team
Basil & Me

The site has been extensively tested to ensure correct rendering in a number of browsers including Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari and Opera. (Please note, as IE9 and earlier are no longer supported by Microsoft, you may experience problems that I don't intend to resolve.)

However, if you have any problems viewing pages at The-Manors, please feel free to report the issue(s) using The-Manors contact form. Ahh, if only more web sites tried to be as accommodating!

Standards Compliance
As each page has been developed, it has been checked for compliance with the latest HTML and CSS standards using the W3C Consortium checking tools.

If you click on the icons below, you will be taken to on-line validator pages at the World Wide Web Consortium W3C site. Validation of this site's web pages can be seen interactively by entering the individual page addresses into the URL address boxes provided.

Valid HTML 4.01 Strict   Valid CSS!